Monday, June 20, 2011

Days 19, 20, & 21... Bring it on

What an Awesome weekend I just had, there were only two things in this entire world that could have made it better. One of which was out of my control (& she knows who she is ;-)) & the other thing I was totally in control over, but I made my choice and I have to live with it. I will expound on the 2nd here in a few more lines...

My Friday Cheat day was absolutely just that. The oldest and I had a MAN-date where we ate the thickest "South Western" Chicken pizza this side of the Mason-Dixen Line. I also splurged and had diet coke(I have taken all sodas out while I'm on this thing). After that we went to a little league baseball game, went to the house to watch a sniper move and downed 2 pints of Ice Cream (Yum).

Saturday was my fast day, I worked out at my local gym in the AM & then worked on my car in 110 degree heat for most of the day. That night I went out and allowed myself to break my fast and my diet. I had 3 drinks while I was out & when I got home I ate a few grams of raw almonds (this is my #2 that I was eluding to in the beginning).

Yesterday was Fathers day and my new lo-cal day, because I am finished with my XFLD for now. I am now on a 4 day cycle until my first 6 weeks is up. I will have a Cheat day, Fast Day, & then 2 lo-cal days in a row. Then the cycle starts back over. My lo-cal days are around 800-1000 calories of clean food. I did well on this day even with it being Fathers day and all. The kids and I went to church, ate lunch (I had a salad with chicken), went to a movie (skipped the popcorn and junky stuff) and then went swimming. Great fun we had...

Today was my 2nd lo-cal day & I started the New TT Metabolic Resistance workout. I feel like a total noob every time I start a new TT workout. I know I am in shape, but the different movements make me feel like I'm so out of it...

I did well with the workout. I will be doing Monday - workout B, Tuesday - workout A, Wednesday - Rest/Ride bike, Thursday - workout D, Friday - workout C, & Sat/Sun - Rest/Ride bike. I have changed the workouts a little bit to go with my eating...

I hope all is well with everyone today. I'm still down a lb over the weekend even with the Drinks and Ice Cream. Fasting is just that AWESOME!!!

You Don't have to take my word for it, Read This...



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