Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 19 Pictures are a thousand words...

I was just over on the TT Members Forum looking over some post and saw that someone new had posted there before photos. it made me think to take a look at mine again. I looked mine over and thought that I need to print out that ugly thing and post it up where I can see it more often. Even the strongest people will fail if they loose sight of the target or prize. I am quite motivated most of the time, but if I don't look back and try to project where I want to be I will loose sight of my target. I wont and can't afford to let that happen.

Matty G.

1 comment:

  1. That is a good idea!!! I have been having a hard few days stying on track eating .I need to post one of my pics where i will see it every day. -BTW -Glad to see Jesus is #1 in your life -I am a Christian too. Heading over to find photobucket. Melody (Evergreen at TT)
