Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 25...

I have today and tomorrow left in the XFLD. I will start a new plan & workout schedule on Friday... I was on track with starting TT for Abs, but now I'm not sure. I will look over it again and make sure it is going to be a good fit...

Today is my fast day, but I think I would rather do a lil bit of a modified workout than Day 2 Clash...

Workout for today:
1A:Chin-up Max out 60 sec
1B:DB Incline Chest Press
1C:Stability Ball Leg Curls 25 reps

2A:DB Split Squat 16 reps
2B:CG Pushups Max 90 sec
2C:Inverted Rows Max 60 sec

3A:Hanging Leg Raise Max 60 sec
3B:SB Plank 30 sec
3C:SB JackKnife 25
(rest 1 min between SupperSets & do each one twice)

Intervial Training: Steps 30 sec on 30 sec off...


  1. What a killer workout! must feel good to be through the first 25 day cycle! congrats.

  2. I am Melissa, but looking foward to the next 2 months as well...

