Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Week 1 results...

In the first 8 days of the XFLD I have stayed on plan (98%) and used the TT Clash of the Titans workout. I lost 9.5lbs in these first 8 days of this new plan, but I’m not getting to excited yet. I call those my 10lb Yo-Yo. I have seemed to float in that same 10lb area for the last few months. This next 5 days will tell the true story for me. If I can throw away that Yo-Yo for good and keep going it will be great...

I even went on a mini vacation & ate all kinds of crazy junk food on my cheat day...
Whole Pizza, Waffles w/ real butter and syrup, Blueberry muffins, PB & J sand, chips, soda, popcorn, Ice Cream & Candy Bars...