Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mid-Day eats & a word on Protein Drinks...

I'm not really going by the Insanity eating plan, but I am eating well and staying under my allotted caloric intake...

After my protein drink I ate 6oz of Premium Chunk Light Tuna (180 cal in a water pack). it is best to eat fresh everything and nothing out of a can, because of the preservatives that are used in packaging. But, I am cheap and don't have the time to grill Tuna, so it is what it is.

With all foods if you can eat it fresh, do so!!! It is what is best for you, Mama says...

One word on Protein drinks:
You need protein to help in the muscle building process. The more muscle we have the more energy or food we need to support those muscles. Muscle also weighs more that fat and helps us burn more fat.

With all of that said, protein drinks and bars are easy ways to add some extra protein to our diets.

Be careful when choosing a protein drink or bar. Most are high in calories as well as sugar. When looking for a protein supplement I use the following criteria:
~Lowest Carbs
~Less than 150 calories
~At least 20grams of Protein

Here are the two that I drink:

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quick Tip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many people can't get over the taste of protein supplements. If you are one of those people give this a try. Mix your protein powder in with water and add one packet of calorie free Chrystal light. It will take some of the edge off and taste much more bearable!!!

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